Your HIPAA Security Risk Management Partner

Protect your organization and meet HIPAA requirements. Complete your Security Risk Analysis with our compliance experts and AI-powered platform.
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Confidently Navigate HIPAA​ Compliance

Security Risk Analysis

Assess your organization’s safeguards and current compliance practices with a full Security Risk Analysis (SRA), then receive a customized, audit-ready report required for HIPAA compliance.

HIPAA Compliance Tools

Ensure your team is trained on the latest HIPAA regulations, create custom audit-ready policies, and track Business Associate Agreements (BAAs)—all in one place.

User-Friendly Platform

Complete your HIPAA security risk analysis, build policies, and centralize risk management without the administrative burden through our intuitive, AI-powered platform.

Healthcare Specialties Served
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States Served Nationwide

Unified Risk Management and Compliance

Medcurity empowers organizations to achieve HIPAA compliance without confusion or paper-driven processes. We offer robust frameworks to help you identify and mitigate security risks, and efficiently manage the associated workflows.

Identify potential weaknesses and ensure security measures are up to date with complete, accurate Security Risk Analysis (SRA). Medcurity takes the guesswork out of HIPAA regulations through personalized, expert support and its AI-powered platform, bringing clarity to compliance and enabling organizations to reduce security risks with confidence.

Network Vulnerability Assessments (NVAs) are your proactive defense against cyber attacks. When combined with an SRA, you can feel even more confident in your overall security. Strategically strengthen safeguards and take control of your organization's cybersecurity with Medcurity's comprehensive NVA solutions.

Creating, tracking, and managing Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) can be a challenging, stressful process. Our solution to vendor management includes editable templates, workflow automation, and centralized management. Medcurity streamlines compliance tasks while reducing the likelihood of errors and HIPAA-related legal risks.

Oversee and manage HIPAA training for your entire team from one centralized place with our platform. Medcurity's HIPAA training modules provide the right level of detail and relevance appropriate for each role, while creating an engaging learning experience that increases knowledge retention. 

Featured Reviews

What People Say About Us

"Medcurity has been a trustworthy resource for Harbor Regional Health Community Hospital. As a rural hospital, we value partners who help us stay on top of policy and federal program changes. Thank you for providing an intuitive and comprehensive platform, as well as expert advice, that enables our staff to focus on providing exceptional care for our community."

Tom Jensen Chief Executive Officer, Harbor Regional Health Community Hospital

“At MediGroup we continually search for solutions that help our members provide elite care. This partnership helps us in this endeavor by providing our members with efficient software to work towards HIPAA compliance. Medcurity provides the most effective security and privacy compliance tool on the market, and we are thrilled to work with them to make a difference in healthcare.”

Andy Klearman Chief Executive Officer, MediGroup

“Medcurity provided us with easy accountability for our Security Risk Assessment. Recommendations, comments, and citations were included which gave validity to the assessment. The work list also provided us with the ability to give assignments and due dates. Medcurity prioritizes the questions so goals can be accomplished in a logical manner. Thanks for all the help!”

Barbara Naimark Compliance Manager, Hospice Of The Chesapeake

“At Physicians Insurance, we look to identify high-value solutions that will truly benefit our members. We found that Medcurity provides a powerful and user-friendly platform and a highly experienced team, and they effectively address a significant pain point for our members.”

Claudette Kenmir Vice President, Physicians Insurance